Thursday, July 8, 2010


Fine Art Photography, from my "Central Del Y Sur" exhibition, is now up for grabs at a discounted price.

For questions or information regarding sales contact;
prices are below the images shown
all sales do not include shipping

52"x52" custom framed images were $2300 now $1200
all images are chromogenic prints mounted and framed in custom black wood

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More images are available in various sizes
(as seen in the TRAVEL ONE portfolio at

9"x 9" custom archival pigment prints framed (were $200) now $120
set of three $300

12" x 12" Chromogenic prints framed (were $700) now $ 450

Monday, June 28, 2010



Summer is here!

In celebration of summer, I have started to work on my Brazil images! - slowly but surely; here is a little taste!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Taylor Steele Portrait

Last week in New York, Castles in The Sky, premiered at Tribeca cinema, put on by the New York Surf Film Festival crew, it was an amazing event...
The movie is a cinematic adventure by Taylor Steele, an award winning surf film maker and director. I was so blown away by the pure beauty of each and every shot, the light, so perfect and gorgeous..
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to capture this portrait of the man himself, Taylor Steele.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mug Shots for the Aussies in New York!

The owners of the Sunburnt Cow, Bondi Road and Sunburnt Calf restaurant enterprise, here in New York City, approached me with the need for some head shots for press. What better solution than mug shots for these native Australians, (and kiwi's!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

PDN Cover- April 2010

Exciting stuff! I got a cover!!!! This wedding is from a couple of years ago but the shot is timeless.. i am stoked, definitely one of my favourites! YAY! Thanks to everyone for all the nice words and comments and especially thanks to the crew at the studio for making it happen!